Information & Guidelines



All Up-coming Holidays will be posted on Parent Information bulletin board.



 Love should be the center of all discipline. If we love our children, we must also correct them. Children need to know what they did was wrong and what right choice they should have chosen.

When a child is sorry for a wrong behavior, we as a staff want to assure them of our forgiveness and God’s forgiveness.


A child may need to be temporarily isolated from the group or activity “time out.” Our

staff feels we need to have parent support to be effective in discipline. Our ultimate goal

for each child is to help establish self-control, self-esteem, and mutual respect. A child

may be removed from the program if views and behavior are incompatible with those of

C.C.A. We want to work with families if problems to work out a discipline plan that will

work for your child. Communication will be the key to success.


School Discipline Policies

Behaviors which are unacceptable at C.C.A. include:

1. Acts of disrespect to staff, parents, visitors to our campus, or other students

2. Classroom disruption

3. Chewing gum and/or eating and drinking except at designated times

4. Lying and/or cheating

5. Profanity

6. Fighting

7. Stealing

8. Use of alcohol, tobacco substances, over-the-counter medicines or any other substance

that induces an altered state of consciousness

9.Possession of real guns, toy guns (with the exception of squirt guns on specified days),

ammunition, knives (including pocket knives), lasers, weapons of any type, or explosives of

any kind.



All Children must wear appropriate clothing to C.C.A. This would include, but is not limited to:


         Play clothes for outside play, art projects.

         All clothes and accessories must be labeled.

         All potty trainers should wear clothing they can get down themselves.

         All non-School age Girls must have bloomers or shorts under dresses.

         Each Child must have one extra change of labeled clothing at  C.C.A at all times.

         Shoes are to be worn each day. No clogs or flip-flops permitted.

         Girls are to ware hair up when possible.

         No short's shorter then two inches above the knee are to be worn.

         Parents of babies and toddlers must provide diapers, pull-ups and wipes. If antiquate amount is not provided you will be subject to a fee.



C.C.A. Is on the USDA food program

         If your Child needs bottles please bring enough per-mixed formula... to last the entire day.

All bottles must be clearly marked with child's name and date.

         If your Child needs baby food please bring sufficient amount for the entire day.

         Breakfast is served every morning. If you would like your Child to eat breakfast with us, please

have them here before 7:50 AM. If you arrive after, please bring your Child's breakfast with you, or fed them prior to arrival.

         Lunch, dinner and snack's are also provided by CCA.

         Food exceptions are not made for individual Children, except in the case of allergies, in which case we need a form from a physician for our records.

Diapering procedure/ Toilet training

Before Diapering: staff will wash hands, change diaper, wash child's hands, disinfect surface, staff then re-washes hands.

Children generally achieve toilet training between the ages of 2 1/2 to 3 years old.  Training is begun when your child is ready.


One of the most serious challenges facing group care situations for young children is preventing illness.

The staff will strive to maintain the highest standards of cleanliness. Proper hand washing procedures will be followed and taught to the children. The toys, eating surfaces and toileting and diaper equipment will be sanitized between use.


One of the best ways to prevent the spread of disease is to have strictly enforced standards regarding the exclusion of ill children. We need your help for this. Do not bring ill children to the Center and if your

child becomes ill at the Center, please pick the child up immediately.


         Parents will be notified in writing if a communicable disease is present in the center.


Children can not attend the Center if one or more of the following conditions exist:


          The illness prevents the child from participating comfortably in facility activities.

         The illness results in a greater need for care, than the staff can provide without compromising

the health, safety, and supervision of the other children.

         Three incidents of loose stool in a day or blood in the stool, especially with other symptoms,

such as vomiting or fever.

         The child has any one of the following one:

a. armpit temperature of 100 degrees or greater, oral temp of 101 or more, or rectal temp of

102 degrees F, accompanied by behavior changes or other signs or symptoms of illness.

b. symptoms and signs of possible severe illness such as lethargy, uncontrolled breathing,

uncontrolled diarrhea, vomiting illness (two or more episodes in 24 hours), loose stool

(three episodes in 24 hours), unexplained rash or burn, eye drainage, obvious severe pain,

mouth sores with drooling, wheezing, behavior change, or other unusual signs.

         The child has been diagnosed with a contagious disease, until medical evaluation determines

that the child is no longer communicable and is able to participate in the facility’s activities.



In addition, C.C.A. policy requires that your child be free of symptoms of illness: temperature, diarrhea or vomiting for at least 24 hours. Please keep in mind that if we send your child home because of illness, the child will not be admitted to C.C.A. the next day because the 24-hour period will not have elapsed. C.C.A. reserves the right to require a doctor’s statement before the child can be re-admitted to the Center.


         Please list all known allergy’s or heath issues on the enrollment form that we need to be aware of.

         Notify us of any medication your Child is taking that may cause a reaction.



The center will administer medicine to children with a written permission form and as stated on the

medicine’s label directions or as amended by a physician in writing. Any medications brought by parents for their child must:

1. Be in the original container

2. Be labeled with the child’s name

3. State the child’s age (if it is over-the-counter)

4. Be labeled with the date (if prescribed)

5. Include directions to administer; and

6. If prescribed, include the name of the physician prescribing the medication


Medicine will not be administered after its expiration date, without written permission from a physician.

Aspirin or aspirin substitute will be administered only with a physician’s approval. Parents must sign and

complete the medication dispensing form each day that the medication is given and give the medicine to the

office staff. All medication is kept in the C.C.A. office. Medication may not be kept in the classroom. When parents pick up their child, they must initial the medication chart to acknowledge that their child was given medication that day. Medicine will be dispensed only at 11:00am and 3:00pm. Exceptions of these times need to be discussed with the director. Over-the-counter medication will only be dispensed for a maximum of four days. In the event that a child is taking a medication for the first time, the parent must give the first dose at home. The center staff will not dispense the first dose.


Release of Children

Children are released only to persons authorized by written permission from the parents. Parents should

provide the center staff with driver license number or social security number of any person designated to pick up a child. Before the child is released, the designated person will be required to show a picture I.D. No child will be released to an unauthorized person. Any person picking up a child in an impaired

condition ( ill or under the influence of drugs or alcohol) will be encouraged to allow us to find alternative transportation.


Child Custody Issues

It is the Center’s intent to meet the needs of children especially when the parents may be experiencing

difficult situations such as a divorce, separation, or remarriage. Sharing information about such situations may be helpful to center staff and will be held in the strictest confidentiality.


The center cannot legally restrict the non-custodial parents from visiting the child, reviewing the child’s

records, or picking the child up unless the center has been furnished with legally filed, executed and current documents. Copies of all court documents must be submitted to the center. In case of conflicts, the proper authorities will be contacted.



We do not currently transport Children to or from C.C.A. Toombs County School System does pickup and return to C.C.A. C.C.A is not responsible for any Child or their belongings while on school bus or school premises.


Emergency Procedures

Emergency plans have been developed and are posted for public viewing.

Fire and evacuation drills are held monthly to acquaint your child with evacuation procedures. The

evacuation routes are posted in each classroom. In the event of an actual evacuation, parents or emergency persons listed on the enrollment form will be contacted. If your child is injured, a trained staff member will provide first aid and you will be contacted. If necessary your physician will be notified and 911 emergency personnel will also be called. If your child needs to be transported by an ambulance, a staff member will accompany your child. The Center does not provide an accident policy for the children. It is the parents’ responsibility to assume any costs incurred for emergency care.

         If emergency medical care is needed your Child will be transported to:

1703 Meadows Lane, Vidalia, Georgia 30474
Phone: 912-537-8921


No center personnel will impede in any way the delivery of emergency care or services to a child by licensed or certified emergency health care professionals.


Child Abuse and Neglect

In an effort to protect the well-being and safety of children, the State of Georgia requires anyone who

suspects child abuse and neglect to report it to the proper authorities. The center staff has been trained to identify the signs and symptoms of abuse and neglect. All suspect indicators will be documented and

reported. The Center is required by law to cooperate with any investigation of child abuse and neglect.

You will be notified if your child is questioned as part of the investigation.


 C.C.A. Is not responsible for add content contained on this website.