

The curriculum is designed to:


         To assist each student to identify his/ her relationship to God, to stimulate him toward a personal commitment of his/ her life to Jesus Christ, to guide him/ her in Biblical values, morals and the knowledge of God’s Word.



         We Teach the origins of the world from a Creation point of view. In the beginning GOD...


         Develop safe and healthy habits in young children with an emphasis on proper hygiene, sound nutrition, exercise and physical care.


         foster positive self-esteem.


         provide opportunities for creative expression.


         support the development of social skills such as sharing, cooperation, generosity and empathy.


         stimulate cognitive problem-solving skills with an emphasis on the concepts of cause and effect.


         classification, serialization, space, time, numbers, shape, and colors.


         strengthen communication skills necessary for listening, reading, writing, and speaking by providing.


         an environment rich in the practical uses of words.


         enhance fine motor and gross motor skills.


Chapel Christian Academy is licensed by  Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning  Bright from the Start:

Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning  10 Park Place South SE, Suite 200  Atlanta, Georgia 30303

 404-656-5957  1-888-442-7735

This center is a smoke-free facility.

C.C.A. Is not responsible for add content contained on this website.