The curriculum is designed to:
• To assist each student to identify his/ her relationship to God, to stimulate him toward a personal commitment of his/ her life to Jesus Christ, to guide him/ her in Biblical values, morals and the knowledge of God’s Word.
• We Teach the origins of the world from a Creation point of view. In the beginning GOD...
• Develop safe and healthy habits in young children with an emphasis on proper hygiene, sound nutrition, exercise and physical care.
• foster positive self-esteem.
• provide opportunities for creative expression.
• support the development of social skills such as sharing, cooperation, generosity and empathy.
• stimulate cognitive problem-solving skills with an emphasis on the concepts of cause and effect.
• classification, serialization, space, time, numbers, shape, and colors.
• strengthen communication skills necessary for listening, reading, writing, and speaking by providing.
• an environment rich in the practical uses of words.
• enhance fine motor and gross motor skills.
Chapel Christian Academy is licensed by Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning Bright from the Start:
Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning 10 Park Place South SE, Suite 200 Atlanta, Georgia 30303
404-656-5957 1-888-442-7735
This center is a smoke-free facility.
C.C.A. Is not responsible for add content contained on this website.